Checking In…

Hey, friends! It’s been a long time—too long—since I have written a blog post. Have you missed me? (Don’t answer that!) 🙂 My excuse, as lame as it is, is that I have been quite busy. I mean, this is factual, but we’re all busy, right? In fact, we are all probably too busy in this culture—but that’s another blog post. Anyway, I just thought I’d give a brief update on my own mental health and what I am up to these days.

Things have actually been really good for me lately. I feel healthy, overall. (Yes, I could still stand to lose that extra 15 pounds that’s been plaguing me, but I have a love affair with donuts.) But mentally, I have been doing well. I still check in with my EMDR therapist from time to time to get tune-ups, I still have regular coaching sessions, I still stay active and connected to my church, and I still take my medication.

About that medication…

For any of you that have read my story from the start, you know that I went through a really dark time with depression and anxiety. And as part of my successful treatment, my doctor and I decided that an antidepressant medication would be helpful. After the first one failed, I tried another and found some relief. (I take the generic Zoloft; Sertraline.) I truly think it was/is a valuable component of my treatment. However, I have always hoped that I could eventually discontinue its use.

Well, that time is upon me. I have taken this med now for about 19 months. And about three weeks ago, I talked to my doctor about weaning off of this med. We both agreed that it is a good time to try it, but it is a decision that I am not taking lightly—and, quite honestly, I am a little nervous about.

These are the things my doctor and I took into account: the weather is (or should be) better this time of year, I have much better coping mechanisms because of therapy, my current circumstances are much different than they were, and I continue to have a great support system. With all of these in mind, we decided to half my dose for a few weeks.

So, it’s been about three weeks of a half dose of my antidepressant and I am still doing well. I have noticed that I occasionally get easily irritated, though. (But if you worked with the firefighters I work with, you’d be irritated too! Kidding, dudes! Kidding!) Other than that, I still feel good. I hope that I will be able to completely discontinue the med soon, but I am taking it a step at a time.

I say all of this to make a couple points…

  1. Antidepressant medication can be a good option for those struggling with depression and anxiety. Don’t wait to talk to your doctor if you’re struggling.
  2. Medication is only one piece of a sometimes complicated puzzle of mental health. And it also seems to be more of an art than a science. Make sure you don’t put all of your “mental health eggs” in one “medication basket.”
  3. If it turns out that I am unable to wean off my medication and stay mentally well, I do not consider that a fail! Actually, I consider it a win that I have found something that has helped me recover and stay healthy.

That’s it for now. Thanks for reading and continuing to be a part of my online community—even though I’ve been too busy to write recently. As always, please feel free to comment below and share your own experiences!

Be well…

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P.S. If you have a story to tell and would like to join Jim Ladiski Writes as a guest blogger, please contact me!

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